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Reinforcement spacers

Ahlsell helps you find the right assortment in concrete. For those of you who work in construction contracts within concrete complements, we have a wide range. Here you will find reinforcement products, casting details, and other products in concrete. If you are looking for fastening products and assembly details, you will also find this. The majority of products within concrete complements are available in our assortment. With our technical salespeople, our specialist knowledge along with an easy online store, we are here to help you with your needs and requests. Explore our wide range of products within concrete complements here in the online store or visit your nearest Ahlsell store.

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  • Piggelin double
    Piggelin double
    A very popular base spacer. Easy to handle, transport and store. Completely invisible in the finished concrete structure. Apply approx. 2 x Piggelin per m², position the reinforcement, finished! Quick and stable spacing that saves money.
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  • Plastic Spacer Druwa
    Plastic Spacer Druwa
    Extra strong PVC FRI spacer strip with high stability that is used to distance the lower edge reinforcement on vaults or ground. The special design provides a good flow of concrete partly due to the zig zag shape but also due to the staggered feet. By turning the spacer strip, it can easily be used even for soft surfaces. This works because the feet are offset relative to each other so that the net is always resting on one of all feet. The spacer strip copes well with point loads and is therefore also suitable for loose reinforcement. Placed with a c/c of approx. 0.8 m. Consumption approx. 1-1.5 pcs/m² depending on reinforcement dimension and substrate.
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  • Spacer ruler Piggelin Long
    Spacer ruler Piggelin Long
    Also called Druspitz. The spacer ruler for lighter reinforcement with very good concrete flow. The special feet minimize contact with the form, which makes this type well suited for spacing in vaults. The vertical spikes on the top side prevent the reinforcement from sliding away. The spacer is delivered in 1 or 2 meter lengths and consists of up to 4 pieces of 500 mm long. The spacer strip can be easily connected to the desired length. Suitable for battery molds (vertical casting) and traditional horizontal casting molds. If desired, it is possible to special order without the vertical spikes.
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