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Dust - Heavy duty vacuum cleaners - Extraction

Do you need power tools for work? Ahlsell helps you find the right power tools for your job. We have electric hand tools for various tasks, whether it is assembly, renovation, or construction. In our range of powerful and durable power tools, you will find everything from screwdrivers, grinders, and circular saws to water pumps and pressure washers as well as accessories such as batteries and battery chargers. Benefit from the power of the tool as you work. Power tools make your work easier and make your work efficient. Explore our wide range of power tools online or visit your nearest Ahlsell store.

Attachment dustcontrol
Attachment dustcontrol
Art. nr.: 249641
The fine filter has a protective sheath integrated onto the filter itself. The sheathe protects the filter from wear and puncture, while improving the cyclone’s clearance. The fine filter is cleaned with air pulse technology by opening and closing the plastic flap rapidly. Pleated, conical. Cellulose filter, a standard filter for dry environments. Polyester filter, a durable, washable filter, even suitable for wet environments.
Microfilter On many models, a separate microfilter is installed, behind the fine filter. The microfilter is made of glass fiber with cellulose support layers. Separation efficiency of 99.995% EN 60335 ensures that even the smallest particles are separated. NOTE: The gaskets must be checked and cleaned at each filter change in order to prevent leakage.
Dust extractor Bosch GAS 35M AFC
Dust extractor Bosch GAS 35M AFC
Art. nr.: 58009981
Det antistatiske utstyret (inkl. slange som ikke setter merker) hindrer danning av statisk elektrisitet. Apparatkontakt for tilkobling av elektroverktøy med inn- og utkoblingsautomatikk, inkl. etterløpsfunksjon for ekstra betjeningskomfort. Robust understell med hjul som ikke setter merker for enkel transport. Volumstrømkontroll med akustisk varsling ved underskridelse av minsteluftstrømmen for høy brukerbeskyttelse. Automatisk utkobling hvis man når maks. væskenivåNominelt effektopptak: 1.380 W Beholdervolum brutto: 35 l Beholdervolum netto, vann: 19,2 l Beholdervolum netto, støv: 18,2 l Støvklasse våt-/tørrsugere: M Støvklasse hovedfilter: M Støvklasse filterpose: M Lengde: 515,0 mm Bredde: 450,0 mm Høyde: 575,0 mm Filterflate: 6.150 cm2 Filterbrukskategori: M Maks. luftstrøm/volumstrøm (turbin): 74 l/sek Maks. undertrykk (turbin): 254 mbar Fjernbetjeningsautomatikk Automatisk filterrengjøring (AFC)
Dust extractor Bosch GAS 35M AFC
Dust extractor Bosch Gas 55M AFC
Dust extractor Bosch Gas 55M AFC
Art. nr.: 58009984
The antistatic output (incl. slange as ikke setter merker) hindrer making of static electritivity. Device contact for supplying electroverktøy with inn- og utkoblingsautomatikk, incl. etterløpsfunksjon for ekstra bejeningskomfort. Robust understell with wheels that ikke setter merker for easy transport. Volumstrømkontroll with acoustic varsling wood undercutting of minsteluftstrømmen for høy brukerbeskyttelse. Trinnlø's suction power regulation on suger og verktøymuffe. Automatic utkobling hvis you reach maks. væskenivåNominelt power oppheation ceiling: 1,380 W. Beholdervolum gross: 55 l Beholdervolum net, won: 40 l Beholdervolum netto, støv: 39 l Støvklasse wet/tørrsugere: M Støvklasse hovedfilter: M Støvklasse filterpose: M Lengde: 570,0 mm Bredde: 450,0 mm Høyde: 865,0 mm Filterflate: 6.150 cm2 Filter mill category: M Maks. luftstrøm/volumstrøm (turbine): 74 l/sec Maks. undertrykk (turbine): 254 mbar Fjernbetjeningsautomatikk Automatic filter rengjøring (AFC)
Dust extractor Bosch Gas 55M AFC
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