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Welding wire esab ok tubrod 14.11
Welding wire esab ok tubrod 14.11
Art. no.: 293730
OK Tubrod 14.11 is a metal powder filled pipe electrode for welding ordinary and high-tensile steel. it is specially developed for robot or mechanical welding, especially in thin metal sheets. The electrode has a large parameter range, which i.a. makes it suitable for welding with low voltage spray arc, which reduces the risk of burning in situations where the fit varies. OK Tubrod 14.11 functions in all modes, for both manual and mechanical welding, in thin and medium coarse sheet thicknesses and very high weld metal quality. In relation to other metal powder filled pipe detectors, OK Tubrod 14.11 gives higher output and higher welding rate. OK Tubrod 14.11 has remarkable start properties and generates very little spatter. Safety glass: Ar/20%CO2 (M21). Current type DC+.
Code in accordance with: SFA/AWS A5.18 - E70C-6M H4 - EN ISO 17632-A - T 42 4 M M 3 H5.
Approval: ABS 4Y400SA - BV S 3Y M HH - DB 42.039.28 - DNV IIIY40 H5 - LR 4Y40S H5 - VdTÜV 10010 - CE EN 13479 - GL 4Y40H5S (M21).
Electrode esab ok 67.70
Electrode esab ok 67.70
Art. no.: 122792
OK 67.70 is an over-alloyed stainless steel electrode for welding stainless steel to other types of steel. For welding stainless steel to heat resistant steel, for example SS 2116, SS 2218 ( 10CrMo9-10). At high operational temperatures, OK 92.26 should be used. The electrode is suitable for bottom runs in the shift between compound plates unalloyed and stainless steel. OK 67.70 has excellent welding properties both on direct and alternating current. It can be used in all situations, except vertically downwards, and for all kinds of joins. Current type DC+, AC OCV 55 V.
Code in accordance with: EN 1600 E 23 12 2 L R 3 2. SFA/AWS A5.4 E309MoL-17. Werkstoff No. 1.4459. CSA W48 E309LMo-17.
Approval: CWB CSA W48 - DB 30.039.05 - DNV 309 Mo LR SS/CMn - RINA E 309Mo - Sepros UNA 409820 - VdTÜV 02424 - CL EN 1600 - BV UP- CE EN 13479-
Electrode esab ok 63.30 vac-pack
Electrode esab ok 63.30 vac-pack
Art. no.: 301911
OK 63.30 is an extra low-carbon content stainless electrode of type 18Cr 12Ni 2,8Mo. OK 63.30 is intended for welding stainless or so-called acid-resistant steels such as X3CrNiMo17-13-3 (SS2343), X2CrNiMo18-14-3 (SS2353) or equivalent steel in accordance with other standards. The electrode is even suited for titanium and niobium-stabilised stainless 18-12 steels of type SS2344 and SS2345 if very corrosive conditions are not present. The electrode ignites and re-ignites very easily and is very short-circuit proof while welding. It provides very beautiful strands and the slag is self-loosening. Fragile dimensions up to Ø 3.2 mm can be welded in all positions while the coarser dimensions should only be used in horizontal position. Current type DC+, AC OCV 50 V.
Code in accordance with: EN 1600 E 19 12 3 L R 1 2 SFA/AWS A5.4 E316L-17 Werkstoff No. 1.4430 CSA W48 E316L-17
Approval: ABS E316L-17 - CWB CSA W48 - DB 30.039.06 - DNV 316L - GL 4571 - LR 316L - Sepros UNA 409820 - VdTÜV 00262 - CE EN 13479.
Electrode esab ok 48.00
Electrode esab ok 48.00
Art. no.: 249763
OK 48.00 is a very safe direct current electrode for non-alloyed and micro-alloyed carbon-manganese steel. It provides a tough and crack-proof weld, is quick-welded in rising vertical position. OK 48.00 is, within wide limits, unsensitive to the base material’s composition. When welding bottom strings where full penetration is needed (for example, PIPE welding), it may be appropriate to connect the electrode to the minus pole. OK 48.00 is suitable for welding of such structures where demanding current states cannot be avoided. Current type DC+(-).
Code in accordance with: SFA/AWS A5.1 E7018. EN ISO 2560-A E 42 4 B 42 H5. Approval in accordance with: ABS 3H5, 3YH5 - DB 10.039.12 - DNV 3 YH5 - GL 3Y H5 - LR 3, 3Y H5 - VdTÜV 00690 - CE EN 13479.
Electrode esab ok 63.30
Electrode esab ok 63.30
Art. no.: 119430
OK 63.30 is an extra low-carbon content stainless electrode of type 18Cr 12Ni 2,8Mo. OK 63.30 is intended for welding stainless or so-called acid-resistant steels such as X3CrNiMo17-13-3 (SS2343), X2CrNiMo18-14-3 (SS2353) or equivalent steel in accordance with other standards. The electrode is even suited for titanium and niobium-stabilised stainless 18-12 steels of type SS2344 and SS2345 if very corrosive conditions are not present. The electrode ignites and re-ignites very easily and is very short-circuit proof while welding. It provides very beautiful strands and the slag is self-loosening. Fragile dimensions up to Ø 3.2 mm can be welded in all positions while the coarser dimensions should only be used in horizontal position. Current type DC+, AC OCV 50 V.
Code in accordance with: EN 1600 E 19 12 3 L R 1 2. SFA/AWS A5.4 E316L-17. Werkstoff No. 1.4430. CSA W48 E316L-17.
Approval: ABS E316L-17 - CWB CSA W48 - DB 30.039.06 - DNV 316L - GL 4571- LR 316L - Sepros UNA 409820 VdTÜV 00262 - CE EN 13479.
Electrode esab ok 46.16
Electrode esab ok 46.16
Art. no.: 119398
OK 46.16 is an all-current rutile universal electrode with good weldability. The electrode ignites and re-ignites very easily, and the weldability is good in all positions, even descending vertical. OK 46.16 welds relatively cold and can therefore be used for overlaying relatively large gap openings. OK 46.16 is recommended for welding of bottom strands in facade joints, for tack welding and for assembly welding. OK 46.16 is recommended for steels: S235JR (SS1311), S235JRG2 (SS1312), SS1330, SS1331, SS1411, S275JR (SS1412), S275J2G3 (SS1414), SS1430, P265GH (SS1431), SS1434 as well as ship steel in A, D and E-quality in ordinary strength grades.
Current type AC, DC+ - OCV 50 V.
Code in accordance with: SS standard: SFA/AWS A5.1 E7014. EN ISO 2560-A E 38 0 RC 11.
Approval: DB 80.039.03 - VdTÜV 02528 - CE EN03479.
Electrode esab ok 46.00
Electrode esab ok 46.00
Art. no.: 288644
OK 46.00 is a rutile, all-current electrode that provides an even strand appearance in all weld positions, including vertically downwards and with an easily removed slag. The electrode ignites and re-ignites very easily, which makes it ideal for short welds and tack welding. It is also suitable for overlaying atop large gap openings. It is recommended for structures made of thin and middle-coarse materials with varying joint types and welding positions. OK 46.00 is among the most suitable for welding in zinc galvanised material, and is relatively insensitive to rusty or otherwise contaminated materials. OK 46.00 is recommended for ordinary carbon steel, and for A quality ship steel in ordinary strength grades. Current type AC, DC+ - OCV 50 V. Code in accordance with: EN ISO 2560-A E 38 0 RC 11. SFA/AWS A5.1 E6013. Approval: DB 10.039.05 - DNV 2 - GL 2 - R 2 - VdTÜV 00623 - CE EN 13479 - Class NK KMW2 - BKI 2.
Esab ok tubrod 14.12
Esab ok tubrod 14.12
Art. no.: 185921
OK Tubrod 14.12 is a metal powder filled tubular electrode without slag formation, particularly suited to fillet welding in regular and general structural steel, with a tensile strength of max 510 N/mm². OK Tubrod 14.12 has a very broad application area equivalent to that of non-alloy electrodes and wire electrodes, but with higher productivity. The dimensions Ø1.2 and Ø1.4 mm are best suited for short arc welding in vertical and underlay positions and 1.2 mm is very good in root passes at low current levels. OK Tubrod 14.12 is relatively insensitive to primer and ember peelings. When using Ar+20% CO² (M21) Shielding gas, reported typical values are: CO² or Ar+20%CO² (M21). Current type DC(+-).
Code in accordance with: SFA/AWS A5.18 E70C-6M, E70C-6C. EN ISO 17632: T 42 2 M M 1 H10, T 42 2 M C 1 H10. Approval: ABS 3SA, 2YSA - BV SA3YM - DB 42.039.24 - DNV IIIYMS - GL 3YS - LR 3S, 3YS - RINA 3Y S - VdTÜV 06649 - CE EN 13479.
Esab ok tubrod 15.14
Esab ok tubrod 15.14
Art. no.: 214230W
OK Tubrod 15.14 is a rutile type tubular electrode that provides a weld melt that is easily controlled in all welding positions, with good arc stability and easily removed slag. OK Tubrod 15.14 is suitable for position welding in structures that are not possible to place in positioners. Vertical welding upwards and downwards are best performed with dimensions 1.2 and 1.4 mm. The 1.4 mm power range very well covers the various electrode dimensions, and are therefore useful when there are mixed welding positions. OK Tubrod 15.14 is graded as Grade 3 with all significant classification associations. When using CO2²(C1) Shielding gas, reported typical values are: Ar+20% CO² (M21) or CO² (C1) Current type DC+
Code in accordance with: SFA/AWS A5.20 E71T-1, E71T-1M. EN 758 T 46 2 P M 2 H10, T 46 2 P C 2 H10.
Approval. ABS 3SA 3YSA (M21 and C1) - BV SA3YM (M21 and C1) - DB 42.039.05 (M21 and C1) - DNV IIIYMS (M21 and C1) - GL 3YS (M21 and C1) - LR 3S 3YS (M21 and C1) - VdTÜV 07651 - ENN 13479.
Esab ok aristorod 12.50
Esab ok aristorod 12.50
Art. no.: 234347
OK AristoRod 12.50 is a non-copper plated, manganese alloyed solid wire for welding such non-alloy steel as general structural steel, pressure vessel steel and steel for shipbuilding, and for fine-grain treated carbon steel for similar application areas with a maximum strain of 420 MPa. OK AristoRod 12.50 is surface treated with ESAB’s unique ASC method - a completely new coating technique, which reaches new levels for MAG welding with regards to design and versatility, especially for robot welding and automated welding. Characteristic advantages are exceptionally good start qualities. Trouble-free feeding at high feed rates and long feeder cables, a very stable arc at high welding currents, little spray, low smoke emission, reduces wear of contact nozzle and improved protection against corrosion on the wire. Fine flushed. Shielding gas: CO² (C1) or Ar+20%CO²(M21). Current type DC(+).
Electrode class in accordance with: SFA/AWS A5.18 ER70S-6 EN 440 G3Si1.
ABS 3SA, 3YSA - BV SA3YM - CWB CSA W48 - DB 42.039.29 - DNV III YMS - DS EN 440 - GL 3YS - LR 3S, 3YS - Ü 42.039/1 - VdTÜV
Esab welding wire 308lsi
Esab welding wire 308lsi
Art. no.: 252584
OK Autrod 308LS i is an extra low-carbon stainless steel wire electrode for arc welding of austenitic stainless steels containing approx. 19 Cr and 10 Ni. OK Autrod 308LS is recommended for example for AISI 304, 404L and X5C rNi18-10 (SS2332, W. # 1.4301) and SS2333 or equivalent stainless steel according to other standards. The high silicon content results in good welding properties. For thicknesses less than 3 mm, short arc welding is more easy to handle than spray arc welding. Bottom strings in bevelled joints are also most easily carried out with short arc welding, while remaining strings can be performed more quickly through horizontal welding with spray arc welding. Current type DC(+). Code in accordance with: EN ISO 14343 G 19 9 LSi. SFA/AWS A5.9 ER308LSi. Werkstoffnummer ~1.4316. Approval: DB 43.039.01 - DNV 308L MS (-60ºC) - UDT DIN 8556 - VdTÜV 04267 - Ü 43.039/1.
Esab welding wire 316 lsi
Esab welding wire 316 lsi
Art. no.: 244730
OK Autrod 316LS is an extra low-carbon stainless steel wire electrode for arc welding of stainless steels containing approx. 18 Cr, 12 Ni, 3 Mo. Is recommended for example for AISI 316, 316L. and 1.4436 (SS2343), 1.4435 (SS2353) or equivalent stainless steel according to other standards. The increased silicon content results in better welding properties. For thicknesses less than 3 mm, short arc welding is more easy to handle than spray arc welding. Bottom strings in bevelled joints are also most easily carried out with short arc welding, while remaining strings can be performed more quickly through horizontal welding with spray arc welding Safety glass: Ar + 1-3% O² (M13). Current type DC(+).
Code in accordance with: EN ISO 14343 G 19 12 3 LSi. SFA/AWS A5.9 ER316LSi. Werkstoffnummer ~1.4430
Approval: DB 43.039.05 - DNV 316L MS (-120ºC) - UDT DIN 8556 - VdTÜV 04268 - Ü 43.039/1 - CE EN 13479.
Cored wires ESAB Shield-Bright 316L X-tra
Cored wires ESAB Shield-Bright 316L X-tra
Art. no.: 185813
Shield-Bright 316L X-tra is a stainless steel, extra low-carbon, rutile type tubular electrode intended for welding acid proof stainless steel types 18-20Cr10-14Ni2-3Mo such as 316 and 316L or equivalent steel in accordance with other standards. The weld’s low carbon content creates good resistance to inter-crystalline corrosion, but also against spot corrosion and most types of corrosion in reducing and neutral solutions. Shield-Bright 316L X-tra can also be used for welding the niobium-stabilised steels if these will not be worked on in temperatures exceeding 400°C. The tubular wire is used in a horizontal position (for vertical welding upwards and downwards, see Shield-Bright 316L). Shield-Bright 316L X-tra provides cost-effective welding with high welding speed. The welding strands become very even and smooth, and the transition between the base material and the weld becomes soft and without a melting trough. The slag is self-loosening and weld spatter does not occur when using mixed gas. Shielding gas: Ar+20%CO² or CO² (C1). Current type
Code in accordance with: SFA/AWS A5.22 E316LT0-1. EN 12073 T 19 12 3 L R C 3. Approval: ABS US, KR: E316LT0-1 (C1) -

VdTÜV 06612 -

DNV KR: 316L (C1) - KR KR: RW316LG (C1) -

LR KR: 316L (C1).
Filarc pz6138 1.2mm 16kg
Filarc pz6138 1.2mm 16kg
Art. no.: 185842
FILARC PZ6138 is a rutile type tubular electrode containing approx. 1% nickel that contributes to providing the weld with a impact resistance requirement down to -60°C and is CTOD tested at -10°C. PZ6138 is well-established in the offshore industry on account of its good mechanical properties and has extremely good welding properties with a soft, stable arc with little visible spray in all welding positions. It is also suitable in combination with ceramic root support in open V joints. It is intended for low-alloyed and high-strength steel, for example in offshore, pressure vessels and other demanding welding constructions. Shielding gas: Ar+20% CO² (M21) Current type DC+
Code in accordance with: SFA/AWS A5.29 E81T1-Ni1MJ H4. EN 758 T 46 5 1 Ni P M 1 H5.
Esab ok tigrod 4043
Esab ok tigrod 4043
Art. no.: 252411
.OK Tigrod 4043 is a silicon alloyed aluminium wire, type AlSi5, for TIG welding of AlMgSi and AlSi alloys with silicon contents up to 7%. The wire is recommended, for example, for EN-AW-6063 (SS 4104), EN-AW-6082 (SS 4212), ENAW-42000 (SS 4244), EN-AW-42100 (SS 4245) and equivalent Al alloys in accordance with other standards. The weld is highly resistant to cracks. Colour compatibility between the welds and the base material with anoxification is less good. As in all aluminium welding, a high discipline applies with regards to purity and minimisation of oxide layers on joint surfaces and additives. Current type AC
Code in accordance with: SFA/AWS A5.10 R4043. EN ISO 18273 S Al 4043 (AlSi5). EN ISO 18273 S Al 4043A (AlSi5(A)).
Approval: CWB AWS A5.10 - DB 61.039.06 - CE EN 13479.
Electrode esab ok femax 33.80
Electrode esab ok femax 33.80
Art. no.: 119384
OK Femax 33.80 is a quick welding, all-current, high-performance electrode especially suited for standing fillet welds coarser material. The electrode is very easy to ignite and re-ignite, and provides a symmetrical and smooth weld profile with easy slag removal. The applicable steel types are general structural steel, pressure vessel steel and shipbuilding steel in ordinary strength grades. OK Femax 33.80 is also produced in 700 mm lengths, intended for welding in Fematic stands or other mechanical electrode holders. Welding in Fematic stands must be performed using alternating current, as direct current can cause blowing action.
Current type
AC, DC(+ -) OCV 50 V
Code in accordance with: SFA/AWS A5.1
E7024. EN ISO 2560-A
E 42 0 RR 73.

Approval: ABS 2 - BV 2 -

DB 10.039.28 - DNV 2

- GL 2Y

- LR 2, 2Y - PRS 2

- RS 2 - Sepros UNA 408919

- VdTÜV 00634 - CE EN 13479.
Electrode esab ok 61.30
Electrode esab ok 61.30
Art. no.: 119422
OK 61.30 is an extra low-carbon stainless all-current electrode made of alloy type 19 Cr 10 Ni. The electrode is intended for welding of austenitic stainless steel equivalent to 304, 304L, 308, 308L, X10CrNi18-8 (SS2331), X5CrNi18-10 (SS2332), SS2333, X2CrNi18-9 (SS2352) or equivalent steel in accordance with other norms. OK 61.30 can also be used for welding stabilising steel X6CrNiTi18-10 (SS2337) and X6CrNiNb18-10 (SS2338) if these will not operate in temperatures exceeding 350°C. OK 61.30 ignites and re-ignites very easily and is very short-circuit proof while welding. The electrode provides beautiful strands and the slag is self-loosening. Fragile dimensions up to 3.2 mm can be welded in all positions.
Current type: DC+, AC OCV 50 V.
Code in accordance with: EN 1600, E 19 9 L R 1 2. SFA/AWS A5.4, E308L-17, Werkstoff No. 1.4316. CSA W48, E 308L-17.
Approval: ABS Stainless - CWB CSA W48 - DB 30.039.02 - DNV 308L - Sepros UNA 409820 - VdTÜV 00792 - CE EN 13479.
Electrode esab ok 63.20
Electrode esab ok 63.20
Art. no.: 116505
OK 63.20 is an extra low-carbon content stainless electrode of type 18Cr 12Ni 2,8Mo primarily intended for position welding of thin-walled pipes. The electrode has a thin casing and can be welded according to the so-called “drop weld method" or vertically descending, which goes quicker. This requires an electrode with very good ignition and re-ignition properties, which makes OK 63.20 very suitable. The electrode is directly suited for the stainless steels types 316 and 316L, for example X3CrNiMo17-13-3 (SS2343), X2CrNiMo18-14-3 (SS2353) or equivalent steels according to other standards. The weld’s low carbon content creates good resistance to inter-crystalline corrosion, but also against spot corrosion and most types of corrosion in reducing and neutral solutions. OK 63.20 can also be used for welding stabilising steel if these will not operate in temperatures exceeding 400°C. Current type DC+, AC OCV 50 V.
Code in accordance with: EN 1600 E 19 12 3 L R 1 1. SFA/AWS A5.4 E316L-16. Werkstoff No. 1.4430. CSA W48 E316L-16.
Approval: CWB CSA W48 - Sepros UNA 409820 - VdTÜV 09716 - CE EN 13479.
Electrode esab ok 63.20 vac-pack
Electrode esab ok 63.20 vac-pack
Art. no.: 250336
OK 63.20 is an extra low-carbon content stainless electrode of type 18Cr 12Ni 2,8Mo primarily intended for position welding of thin-walled pipes. The electrode has a thin casing and can be welded according to the so-called “drop weld method" or vertically descending, which goes quicker. This requires an electrode with very good ignition and re-ignition properties, which makes OK 63.20 very suitable. The electrode is directly suited for the stainless steels types 316 and 316L, for example X3CrNiMo17-13-3 (SS2343), X2CrNiMo18-14-3 (SS2353) or equivalent steels according to other standards. The weld’s low carbon content creates good resistance to inter-crystalline corrosion, but also against spot corrosion and most types of corrosion in reducing and neutral solutions. OK 63.20 can also be used for welding stabilising steel if these will not operate in temperatures exceeding 400°C. Current type DC+, AC OCV 50 V.
Code in accordance with: EN 1600 E 19 12 3 L R 1 1. SFA/AWS A5.4 E316L-16. Werkstoff No. 1.4430. CSA W48 E316L-16.
Approval: CWB CSA W48 - Sepros UNA 409820 - VdTÜV 09716 - CE EN 13479.
Electrode esab ok 63.20 vac-pack
Electrode esab ok 73.08 vac-pack
Electrode esab ok 73.08 vac-pack
Art. no.: 249302
OK 73.08 is a CuNi alloyed LMA all-current electrode that provides a weld with good corrosion resistance against saltwater and flue gases, and are used for weather-resistant steel and for structural steel in ships. The weld has excellent mechanical properties. OK 73.08 is specially suited for welding armour steel in icebreakers and other ships that work in conditions where protective paint is removed. Intended for e.g. CORTEN, Domex 350W, UHBCCP etc. The good mechanical strength properties also make it suitable for welding of general high-strength steel and for ordinary and high-strength ship steel of A, D and E qualities. Current type AC, DC(+) OCV 65 V.
Code in accordance with: SFA/AWS A5.5 E8018-G. EN ISO 2560-A E 46 5 Z B 32.
Approval: ABS 3H5, 3Y - BV 3Y HH - DB 10.039.20 - DNV 3 YH10 - GL 3YH15 - LR 3, 3Y H15 - RS 3YHH - VdTÜV 02115 - CE EN 13479.
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