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Frequently asked questions about isocyanates

What are isocyanates?

A hardener that can be found in adhesives, varnishes and various sealants. It is polyurethane (PU) based.

Are isocyanates harmful?

Inhalation can cause asthma-like respiratory diseases (even at very low concentrations) and, in direct contact, can cause skin rash.

When do I risk being exposed to isocyanates?

When working with polyurethane (PU) based adhesives, varnishes and sealants, and when heating them (e.g. in welding and grinding work).

How do I protect myself from isocyanates?

  • Airways: Wear a full face mask! It is preferable to use a fan or compressed air-assisted respiratory protection system with gas filter ABEK1 paired with particle filter P3.
  • Skin exposure: Chemical protection gloves, nitrile boots and disposable coveralls.

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