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Water meter bracket PVK, LK
Water meter bracket PVK, LK
Art. no.: 4648102
LK Parallel-connected Water Meter Console (LK PVK) for water meter Q3 4 with construction length 190-220 mm connection G25. LK PVK is available in many different models with variants for only 190 mm meters and 190-200 mm meters. By closing the valve before and after a water meter, this can be dismantled at the same time as the water flow is running through the other meters. LK PVK is always delivered with a built-in non-return valve in the valve after the meter. This non-return valve is also controllable and can also be replaced should it break. At LK PVK, it is also possible to choose whether you want incoming from above or below, the same applies to the meters. LK Passbit 190mm which is delivered with all LK PVK is intended to be able to sit permanently on cold water, but only temporarily on hot water. The benefits and brackets for the water meters are made of stainless steel.
Water meter bracket PVK, LKWater meter bracket PVK, LK
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