Ahlsell has long been the first choice for many professionals and builders of society thanks to our wide range of products and expertise. We have always taken pride in making our customers’ everyday lives easier. But today we require more. Everything we deliver now needs to be better than ever, while at the same time minimizing our climate impact. We also need to do our best to ensure that our products are manufactured with respect for human rights and the environment. Working with sustainability is a long-term and continuous process that encompasses our entire organization.
In this sustainability section, we want to tell you about our work towards becoming a more sustainable company, as well as how our operations contribute to societal development. It is also easy to find our guidelines, certificates and various projects we are pursuing for increased sustainability.
Our sustainability work has five focus areas: Reduced Environmental Impact, Responsible Sourcing, Health & Safety and Innovation and Cooperation, based on Sustainable Employeeship – the solid foundation that our employees represent. Under Our Focus Areas, you can read more about our work with the environment, sustainability and innovations, how we work with our supply chain and how we ensure our employees' health and well-being and that they can grow and operate in a safe work environment. The choice of focus areas is based on an analysis of what is important for our stakeholders and Ahlsell's opportunities to influence and make a difference. We also present the latest statistics from our systematic sustainability work. Our role in society describes exactly that: What we do to contribute to Swedish social developments. This is where we showcase projects we are particularly proud of and talk about how we work in relation to the global development goals.
Hopefully, you will still have follow-up questions after your visit. Contact us here if you have any questions about our sustainability work. We are happy to answer your questions.
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