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Veneer wall mounting

Are you working with shell masonry? Ahlsell helps you find the right products for your work. Our range of products within shell masonry and fastening includes bi steel, wall studs, studs, plastic washers, round bars, insulating washers, and accessories for studs such as mandrels and assembly drills. Learn more about our products in our online shop or visit your nearest Ahlsell store.

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  • Wall tie no 3 u-formce-en845
    Wall tie no 3 u-formce-en845
    U-rod with angle leg. Used as walling tie-rod in cavity wall and is combined with wall bracket (no. 12, 13, 14) for anchoring in underlying wall. The required length of the tie rod is determined by the air gap’s width and the anchoring length. For standard, module and facing bricks.

    Mounting The U-rod is coupled with the chosen wall bracket and walled into two overhead horizontal joints. The anchoring length in the cavity wall must be at least 40 mm.

    a dim - Walling dimensions, "a" mm parallel brick. b dim - Air gap + walling in brick (min. 40 mm). c dim - Shift height (brick+joint thickness).

    Design load capacity:
    Since the rod is combined with different wall brackets, it the lowest value for combination that is design load capacity. Design load capacity (safety class 2) for the U-rod can be set at:
    More info
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