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Floodlights LED

Ahlsell helps you find the right lighting and luminaires. Whether you work with installing interior or exterior lighting for public environments, industry, or private housing, we have the range for your needs and projects. Here you will find LEDs, downlights, emergency lighting, and accessories for easy installation. Smart lighting solutions from several major suppliers. Here you will find lighting fixtures in many different designs. Explore our wide range of lighting and accessories here in the online store or visit your nearest Ahlsell store.

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  • Spotlight aFlood LED Sign, a-collection
    Spotlight aFlood LED Sign, a-collection
    Symmetrical medium beam LED headlights for indoor and outdoor lighting. Ideal for lighting signs with a height of 0.5 m - 2 m. Cast, powder-coated aluminum casing. Screws and locking springs are made of stainless steel. Tempered front glass sealed to the frame with high-temperature-resistant silicone. Symmetrical reflector of polished plated aluminum. Comes complete with 0.5 m arm with integrated connection box. Recommended c / c: 1250 mm.
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