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Gothenburg – Nordstan

Ahlsell Nordstan is located in the mobility hotel in Nordstan, which you will find in the parking garage on floor 1.5 at Spannmålsgatan.
This is an unmanned micro warehouse that is open 24 hours a day, every day of the week, all year round!
We offer a carefully selected range adapted to you with operations in central Gothenburg. Everything to increase accessibility and serve with products from all segments in an easy and flexible way. Should you be missing something, all our 100,000 products are available at ahlsell.se. Order before 4pm for next day delivery.
To access the warehouse, you need:
  • The Ahlsell Scanning app
  • The blue Ahlsell customer card to be able to activate the Ahlsell Scanning app
  • A special permit - email alltidoppet.nordstan@ahlsell.se to obtain it
Gothenburg – Nordstan
Spannmålsgatan 14-18
411 05 Gothenburg
+46 (0)31-636 044
Open 24 hours a day

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