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Temporary store at the workplace

We can meet your needs by setting up a temporary store at your workplace and customizing the product range to your current project in advance.

This service is only available on the Swedish market. 

A local store may be the best solution for maximizing efficiency in larger projects where many contractors are involved and where the nature of the project changes over time. We'll analyze the project’s product and service level requirements together.

If the best solution is a local store, we'll build a temporary Ahlsell store – a Shop-on-Site – in existing or temporary premises.

A customized product range ensures that critical products, essential supplies, etc. always will be close at hand. We'll make the selection from Ahlsell’s wide product portfolio, and the store can be open around the clock or at certain times. Purchases can be self-scanned in the store using a mobile phone, and the store will be refilled automatically based on given ordering parameters.

When staffed, the store can also serve as a support center for ordering non-stocked products.

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