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Risk Analysis

Make your workplace safe

Our risk analysis is conducted together with both safety representatives and equipment users – thereby also increasing user acceptance. This is precisely what prevents most workplace accidents from happening: That the protective equipment is actually used. 

This service is only available on the Swedish market. 

The protective equipment must of course also be used correctly. We therefore also conduct training and testing of the equipment and participate in the implementation and establishment of procedures. Last but not least, we follow up to ensure that everything works and is used as it should. Read more about the entire Health & Safety concept here.

Safe at work with the right personal protective equipment


According to the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s AFS 2001:3, before personal protective equipment is selected, the employer must analyze and assess the risks at the workplace. Based on this analysis, the correct personal protective equipment must be made available. The employer must then inform employees of the risks that the personal equipment protects against.

Risk analysis – why?

In order to prevent accidents and illness, each workplace must conduct systematic work environment management. Systematic work environment management consists of three parts. The work environment must be investigated, measures implemented and operations followed up on. These three elements lead to results such as:

  • Increased safety that results in fewer accidents and fewer absences due to illness
  • Simplified inventory and control
  • Financial benefits – more efficient purchasing and stocking
  • Increased user acceptance by involving users in the selection process.


Ahlsell's Risk analysis


Our risk analysis involves:

  • Risk analysis on site with safety officers and users.
  • Collection of documents, e.g. safety data sheets, in order to be able to see which type of protective equipment is best suited to different work operations.
  • Product neutral – Ahlsell works with the market’s strongest suppliers of personal protective equipment, which means that we can mix different brands to find the optimal solution for your operations, regardless of brand/manufacturer.



Our safety specialists perform risk analyses together with safety officers and users to improve user adoption. Please contact us for more information. 

Reporting of risk analysis

When the compilation is complete, we go through the risk analysis, where you will see the need for personal protective equipment broken down by workplace/department. Using the right protective equipment is important, but it is also very important to use it correctly. We therefore also provide suggestions for maintenance procedures, suggestions for different training courses, etc.



  • Training
  • Testing of equipment
  • Implementation
  • Establish procedures for handling personal protective equipment



Following up on the implementation of the measure is equally as important as performing a risk assessment.

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