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Frequently asked questions about cuts and punctures?

What are the risks of cut and puncture injuries?

Cuts can lead to long sick leave. Cuts and punctures can seriously impact one's life, in terms of both work capacity and quality of life.

A wound could also cause the blood to become infected.

How do I protect myself?

Conduct ongoing risk assessments and systematic work environment management. Focus on safe behavior; create good routines and attitudes. This contributes to insights into the existing risks. (The risk assessment must be documented in writing.) (Swedish Work Environment Authority/AFS statutes)

Use and select the right arm and hand protection. Today, there are many high-quality cut-resistant gloves and arm protectors to make your everyday work safe. Fit and comfort are an important part of this, which contributes to increased use of personal protection.

How do I know the level of protection of my protective gear?

Cut resistance is graded on a scale from A to F, with F being the highest level of protection. This protection is graded according to the new TDM (ISO 13997) test method, included in EN 388:2016, and specifies how much force is required to cut through the material. Previous labeling in accordance with EN 388:2003 used cut-resistance grades 3–5, which cannot be translated directly to A–F.

Puncture protection, or rather puncturing of material, is graded on a scale of 1–4, with 4 being the highest level of protection in accordance with EN-388.

To ensure that you select the appropriate form and level of protection, a risk assessment must be carried out. If you are looking for puncture protection from needles or sharp-tipped objects, you should keep your eye out for the following American standard: ASTM 2878.

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