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Store network Ahlsell

Store network

With over 100 stores throughout the country, we're always ready to help you. Ahlsell’s stores are locally adapted in terms of size and range and are located in easily accessible industrial or commercial areas. The stores are usually open weekdays from 07:00 to 16:00. In-store sales are only available to registered business customers.

Shop in store

The stores’ assortment consists of the most common products that you pick yourself from the shelf. Should a product be out of stock, it is usually available for next-day pick-up. If you need advice or installation tips, we always have industry-savvy personnel standing by. The stores are also a meeting place, where you get product information and meet industry people who can provide information about new products and aids.

Store assortment

The store assortment consists of products within Heating & Sanitation, Electrical, Ventilation, Insulation, Tools & Machinery, Cooling, Water & Sanitation, Construction and Personal Protection (subject to location). The number of items in the stores varies from approximately 6,000 to 18,000 items. You pick what you need directly from the shelf. If a product is out of stock, it can normally be made available by the next morning.

Good to know in our stores


In several stores, you can scan your products yourself. You can see the price, product and quantity directly in the scanner. Shopping is quick and easy. You need an Ahlsell customer card to be able to scan your own items.

Customer card

With an Ahlsell customer card, you avoid having to remember your customer number at the cash register. For self-scanning, log in using your customer card. You can add a name to the card that automatically becomes the reference for your order. You will receive your customer card in your store.

Rental Machines

Many of our stores have a range of professional machines for rent. 

Meeting point for advice and installation tips

If you need advice or installation tips, we always have industry-savvy personnel standing by. The stores are also a meeting point, where you get product information and meet industry people who can provide information about new products and aids. To keep you up to date, new products will be presented at regular breakfast meetings, demo days and mini-fairs.

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